Step-by-Step Guide: How to Drill a Bowling Ball?

Drilling your own bowling ball can seem intimidating at first, but with the right equipment and a little know-how, you can have a perfectly fitted ball in no time.

Customizing the fit of your ball can lead to improved comfort and performance on the lanes, and the process is not as complicated as you might think.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced bowler, this guide will show you everything you need to know to drill a bowling ball like a pro.

How to Drill a Bowling Ball

The Equipment You’ll Need for How to Drill a Bowling Ball

Before you start drilling, you’ll need to gather a few supplies. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Bowling ball
  • Drill bit
  • Power drill
  • Drill press or vice
  • Measuring tape
  • Bowling ball plug or soft foam
  • Bowling ball cleaner
  • Layout markers or chalk

Selecting the Right Drill Bit to Drill a Bowling Ball?

One of the most important steps in drilling a bowling ball is choosing the right drill bit. The type of drill bit you choose will depend on the type of ball you have and the material it is made from.

Most modern bowling balls are made from plastic or reactive resin, and you’ll need a specific type of drill bit for each material. Ask a professional at your local pro shop for recommendations, or consult the manufacturer’s instructions to determine the right drill bit for your ball.

Preparing the Bowling Ball for How to Drill a Bowling Ball?

Before you start drilling, you’ll need to prepare the ball. Here’s how:

  • Clean the ball thoroughly with a bowling ball cleaner to remove any dirt, oil, or residue that might interfere with the drilling process.
  • Fill the ball with a plug or soft foam to prevent the drill bit from damaging the interior of the ball.
  • Mark the drilling locations on the ball using layout markers or chalk. Be sure to measure carefully to ensure accurate placement.

Drilling the Bowling Ball: Techniques for How to Drill a Bowling Ball?

Now it’s time to start drilling! Here’s what you need to know:

  • Set up the ball in a drill press or vice, making sure it is securely fastened and level.
  • Insert the drill bit into the power drill and set the speed to medium.
  • Start drilling slowly and steadily, making sure to keep the drill bit perpendicular to the ball at all times.
  • Repeat the process for each hole, adjusting the speed as needed.
  • After you have finished drilling, remove the plug or foam from inside the ball.

Frequently Asked Questions About How to Drill a Bowling Ball?

Can I drill a bowling ball at home?

Yes, you can drill a bowling ball at home as long as you have the right equipment and follow the proper techniques. However, it is recommended to have the ball drilled by a professional at a pro shop for the best results.

What is the best way to measure for a drilled ball?

The best way to measure for a drilled ball is to have your fingers measured by a professional at a pro shop. They will be able to determine the proper span, grip size, and thumb length for your ball.

How long does it take to drill a bowling ball?

The time it takes to drill a bowling ball can vary, but it typically takes 30-60 minutes for a professional to drill a single ball. If you are drilling the ball yourself, it may take longer as you adjust to the process and ensure proper technique.

Is it expensive to drill a bowling ball?

The cost of drilling a bowling ball can vary, but it typically ranges from $30-50 at a professional pro shop. If you are drilling the ball yourself, you will need to purchase the necessary equipment, but the total cost will still be less than having it professionally drilled multiple times.

Can I use a hand drill to drill a bowling ball?

It is possible to use a hand drill to drill a bowling ball, but it is not recommended. Hand drills do not have the stability or control needed to ensure accurate and consistent drilling, and it can be difficult to maintain proper technique. A power drill and a drill press or vice are recommended for the best results.


Drilling your own bowling ball may seem intimidating, but with the right equipment and a little know-how, it is a simple process that can lead to improved comfort and performance on the lanes.

Whether you choose to have your ball drilled by a professional or do it yourself, just remember to follow the proper techniques, measure carefully, and take your time. With a little patience and practice, you’ll be well on your way to drilling your own perfect ball.

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