How to Increase Ball Speed in Bowling?

Bowling is a sport of precision and strategy, and one key element that can significantly impact your game is ball speed. Whether you’re a casual bowler or a competitive enthusiast, knowing how to increase your ball speed can give you an advantage on the lanes.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the techniques and strategies to boost your ball speed effectively.

Importance of Ball Speed in Bowling

Ball Speed Affects Pin Carry and Ball Reaction: Before we dive into the specifics of increasing your ball speed, let’s understand why it’s crucial. Ball speed is not just about how fast you can roll the ball down the lane; it directly influences pin carry and ball reaction. When the ball travels at the right speed, it maximizes its energy transfer to the pins, increasing the chances of strikes. Additionally, proper ball speed can help you control the lane conditions, making it easier to adapt to different oil patterns.

The Fundamentals of Bowling Ball Speed

Understanding the Basics: Speed, Rev Rate, and Accuracy: To increase your ball speed effectively, you need to grasp the fundamentals. It’s not just about throwing the ball harder. It’s about finding the right balance between speed, rev rate (the number of revolutions the ball makes), and accuracy. These factors work together to deliver the desired outcome. Striking the perfect balance between them is the key to success.

The Ideal Ball Speed Range: The ideal ball speed range can vary from bowler to bowler, depending on their skill level and style. Generally, a speed range of 16-18 miles per hour is considered ideal for most bowlers. However, it’s essential to find your own sweet spot within this range that feels comfortable and effective for your game.

Proper Bowling Technique for Increasing Ball Speed

Bowling Stance and Approach:

Correct Stance: Setting the Foundation: Your stance is where it all begins. To increase your ball speed, your stance should match your intended speed. Lowering the ball in your stance and moving back on the approach can help increase ball speed, while raising the ball in your stance and moving up on the approach can slow it down. Experiment with different stances to find what works best for you.

Approach: Building Momentum: Your approach is the bridge between your stance and your release. It’s where you build momentum to generate ball speed. Remember, ball speed is primarily a product of how fast your feet are moving, not how fast you swing the ball with your arm muscles. To increase your ball speed, focus on using your legs to gain momentum during your approach. You might need to move your starting point back to allow yourself enough room to reach the desired speed.

Maintaining a Consistent Release:

Grip and Release: Key Elements: The grip and release are critical aspects of your bowling technique. To increase ball speed without sacrificing accuracy, focus on having a loose arm swing. Allow your legs to do the work in generating speed while maintaining a controlled release. A relaxed grip and a smooth, consistent release are essential for maintaining accuracy.

Drills to Improve Release Consistency: Consistency in your release is key to achieving the right ball speed. Practice drills that specifically target your release technique, such as releasing the ball at different points in your approach or working on your follow-through. These drills can help you maintain accuracy while increasing your speed.

Utilizing the Power Step:

The Role of the Power Step: The power step is a critical part of your approach that can significantly impact your ball speed. It’s the step just before your slide and release. To maximize your ball speed, focus on this step. It should be a controlled but powerful move, generating extra momentum that translates into increased speed when you release the ball.

Techniques to Maximize Power: Work on techniques to make the most out of your power step. This includes proper timing, balance, and body positioning. When executed correctly, your power step can add significant speed to your shots.

Strength and Conditioning for Bowlers

Importance of Physical Fitness:

Enhancing Ball Speed through Fitness: Physical fitness plays a crucial role in increasing ball speed. Building strength, flexibility, and endurance can help you maintain consistency in your approach and generate more power. Regular exercise routines can significantly improve your game.

Injury Prevention: The Importance of Conditioning: Bowling, like any sport, carries the risk of injury. Conditioning exercises not only enhance your performance but also reduce the risk of injuries, which can hinder your progress in increasing ball speed.

Exercises for Increasing Ball Speed:

Leg Strength: Squats, Lunges, and Plyometrics: Leg strength is essential for generating power during your approach. Incorporate exercises like squats, lunges, and plyometrics into your fitness routine to strengthen your legs.

Core and Upper Body: Push-Ups, Planks, and Medicine Ball Exercises: Your core and upper body also play a role in maintaining stability and balance during your approach. Exercises like push-ups, planks, and medicine ball workouts can help you build the necessary strength.

Stretching and Flexibility:

Arm Swing Velocity: The Flexibility Factor: Flexibility is often overlooked but vital for increasing ball speed. A flexible arm swing can lead to a smoother release, enhancing both speed and accuracy. Implement effective stretching routines to improve your flexibility.

Equipment Considerations for Ball Speed

Choosing the Right Bowling Ball Weight:

Ball Weight and Speed Correlation: The weight of your bowling ball has a direct impact on your ball speed. Heavier balls can naturally generate more speed, but they require more strength and control. Lighter balls can be easier to control but might require more effort to generate speed. Finding the optimal ball weight for your game is crucial.

Ball Surface Adjustments: The surface of your bowling ball can also affect its speed. Surface roughness can increase friction with the lane, slowing down the ball. Learn how to adjust the surface through polishing and sanding techniques to fine-tune your speed.

Enhancing Control and Speed:

Finger Inserts and Their Impact: Finger inserts are small, but they can have a significant impact on your grip and control. Experiment with different types and sizes to find the ones that work best for your speed and accuracy.

Wrist Supports for Improved Control: Wrist supports can provide stability and control during your release. They can help you maintain a consistent wrist position, allowing for better control over your ball speed.

Mental Strategies for Increasing Ball Speed

Visualization and Focus:

Mental Preparation for Speed: Mental preparation is just as crucial as physical training. Visualize your approach and focus on your target. By mentally rehearsing your shots, you can improve your confidence and consistency.

Staying Focused throughout the Approach: Maintain your focus from the moment you step onto the approach until the ball leaves your hand. Eliminate distractions and trust your training.

Overcoming Fear of Speed:

Addressing Common Fears: Many bowlers are afraid of throwing the ball faster, fearing a loss of accuracy or control. Address these fears by gradually increasing your speed and building confidence.

Confidence-Building Techniques: Confidence is key in overcoming the fear of speed. Celebrate your successes and learn from your mistakes. Confidence in your abilities can help you push your limits.

Developing a Pre-Shot Routine:

Creating a Consistent Routine: Establishing a pre-shot routine can help you stay composed and focused. Having a set sequence of actions before each shot can boost your confidence and reduce anxiety.

Benefits of a Pre-Shot Ritual: A pre-shot ritual not only enhances your mental game but also aids in maintaining consistency in your approach and release.

Practice Drills to Boost Ball Speed

Speed Control Exercises:

Drills for Speed Precision: Practice specific drills that target your speed control. These drills can help you fine-tune your speed and maintain accuracy.

Monitoring and Adjusting: Regularly monitor your ball speed during practice and adjust as needed. Consistent feedback and adjustments will lead to better control and performance.

Targeting and Ball Speed Variations:

Hitting Different Targets with Varying Speeds: Challenge yourself by targeting different areas of the lane with varying speeds. This exercise enhances your adaptability and control over the ball.

Fine-Tuning Ball Speed: Experiment with subtle variations in your release to fine-tune your ball speed. Small adjustments can make a significant difference in your game.

Incorporating Speed Drills into Practice:

Structuring Your Practice Sessions: Include speed-focused drills in your practice routine. Devote specific sessions to working on your ball speed, ensuring you allocate enough time for improvement.

Tracking Progress and Improvement: Keep a record of your progress in increasing ball speed. Tracking your improvements can be motivating and help you set goals for future growth.

Tips for Maintaining Ball Speed

Proper Maintenance of Bowling Equipment:

Regular Ball Maintenance: Maintaining your bowling ball is essential for consistent performance. Regularly clean and maintain your equipment to ensure it functions optimally.

Equipment Inspection Checklist: Create a checklist for inspecting your bowling balls, grips, and accessories. Regular inspections can prevent surprises during games.

Sustaining Increased Ball Speed:

Consistent Practice and Conditioning: To maintain the increased ball speed you’ve worked hard to achieve, consistency is key. Regular practice and conditioning routines will help you sustain your progress.

Making Ongoing Technique Adjustments: Bowling is a dynamic sport, and your technique may need adjustments over time. Stay open to learning and adapting as you continue to improve.


Q: What is considered an ideal ball speed in bowling?

Answer: An ideal ball speed in bowling typically falls within the range of 16-18 miles per hour. However, finding your personal optimal speed within this range is essential for success.

Q: How does ball weight affect ball speed?

Answer: Ball weight directly impacts ball speed. Heavier balls can generate more speed but require more strength and control, while lighter balls may require more effort to achieve speed.

Q: Are there specific drills to increase ball speed?

Answer: Yes, there are several drills to increase ball speed, including speed control exercises, target variations, and fine-tuning drills. These can help you improve your speed while maintaining accuracy.

Q: How can I overcome my fear of throwing the ball faster?

Answer: Overcoming the fear of increased speed requires gradual practice and building confidence. Start by making small speed increments and celebrate successes to boost your confidence.

Q: How can I track my progress in increasing ball speed?

Answer: Keep a record of your practice sessions, noting your ball speed, accuracy, and performance. Tracking your improvements over time will help you gauge your progress.


Increasing your ball speed in bowling is a combination of proper technique, physical fitness, mental preparation, and practice. Finding your ideal ball speed, refining your approach and release, and staying committed to your training will lead to better performance on the lanes. Remember, the journey to increasing ball speed may take time, but the results will be well worth the effort.

We hope this comprehensive guide has provided you with valuable insights and strategies to enhance your bowling game. By following these tips and techniques, you can take your bowling skills to the next level and enjoy a more rewarding and successful experience on the lanes.

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