How to Keep Score in Candlepin Bowling: A Simple Guide

Candlepin bowling differs from regular ten-pin bowling in that the pins are thinner and taller, and the balls are smaller. The objective of the game is to knock down as many pins as possible in each turn, and the player with the highest score at the end of the game is the winner.

One of the most important aspects of playing candlepin bowling is keeping score. Knowing how to keep score is crucial if you want to win, or even just have a good time. The scoring system in candlepin bowling is slightly different from that in ten-pin bowling, so it’s essential to understand the rules.

In this article, I’ll be explaining how to keep score in candlepin bowling, so you’ll be well on your way to becoming a pro in no time.

Understanding the Basics of Candlepin Bowling Scores

If you are new to candlepin bowling, then you may be wondering how the scoring system works. The game is simpler than you might think, and once you understand the basic rules, you’ll be ready to start playing and keeping score like a pro.

The Pins

First, it’s helpful to know that candlepin bowling uses a set of ten narrow pins. These pins are arranged in a triangular shape, with the front pin located at the center. Each pin is roughly 15 inches tall and 2.5 inches wide at the base. Unlike ten-pin bowling, candlepin bowling does not use large balls and does not require the use of finger holes.

The Frames

A candlepin bowling game consists of ten frames, and each frame gives you the opportunity to knock down as many pins as possible. To score points, you need to knock down all ten pins with each frame, but you also earn points for knocking down pins with any remaining balls. In each frame, you have three chances to knock down all ten pins.

The Scoring

The scoring in candlepin bowling is straightforward. You earn one point for each pin you knock down. If you manage to knock down all ten pins with your first ball in a frame, you earn a “strike,” which is worth ten points plus the total of your next two balls. If you knock down all ten pins with your second ball in a frame, you earn a “spare,” which is worth ten points plus the total of your next ball.

If you do not knock down all ten pins within three balls, your score for that frame is simply the number of pins you have hit. If you fail to knock down any pins at all, you get a score of zero for that frame.

Keeping Score for Strikes and Spares

In candlepin bowling, a strike occurs when you knock down all 10 pins on your first roll, while a spare occurs when you knock down all 10 pins on your second roll (after leaving some pins standing on your first roll). When you score a strike or a spare, it’s important to mark it on your scorecard so you can keep track of your points.

To mark a strike on your scorecard, simply write an “X” in the box for that frame. The next two rolls will count as bonus points, so you won’t need to add them up until the end of the game.

To mark a spare on your scorecard, write a “/” in the box for that frame. Add up the number of pins you knocked down on your next roll and add it to the 10 from the spare. This will give you your total score for that frame.

For example, if you knock down 6 pins on your first roll and 4 on your second to score a spare, you would write “/6” in the box and add a total of 10 points to your score. Then, on your next roll, if you knock down 3 pins, you would add that to your total for the frame (10 + 3 = 13).

Scoring Multiple Strikes

If you’re lucky enough to score multiple strikes in a row, you can earn even more bonus points. For example, if you score two strikes in a row, your first bonus points will be the total number of pins knocked down on your next roll. If you score three strikes in a row (a “turkey”), your first bonus points will be the total number of pins knocked down on your next two rolls.

Tips for Keeping Accurate Candlepin Bowling Scores

When it comes to scoring candlepin bowling, accuracy is key. Here are a few tips to help you keep your scores as accurate as possible:

  • Pay attention: It sounds simple, but paying attention to each roll and the pins that are knocked down is crucial. It’s easy to get distracted, but taking the time to focus on each roll can help ensure that you don’t miss anything.
  • Use a score sheet: Keeping track of scores on a score sheet can be helpful, especially if you’re new to the game or have trouble keeping track mentally. The score sheet will help you keep track of each roll and the corresponding score.
  • Double-check your math: It’s always a good idea to double-check your math when scoring a game of candlepin bowling. Adding up scores can be tricky, so take your time and make sure you’ve got it right.
  • Know the rules: Understanding the rules of candlepin bowling is important when it comes to scoring. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the scoring system, including how spares and strikes are scored.
  • Communicate with your team: If you’re bowling with a team, make sure everyone is on the same page when it comes to scoring. It’s a good idea to have one person designated as the scorekeeper to avoid confusion and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Keeping accurate scores in candlepin bowling takes practice and attention to detail. By following these tips, you can improve your scoring skills and enjoy the game even more.


In conclusion, keeping score in candlepin bowling may seem complex at first, but with practice, it can be a fun and enjoyable aspect of the game. Remember to keep track of each player’s scores, mark the frame number, and record any strikes or spares accordingly.

As you become more proficient at calculating the scores, you can also start strategizing and adjusting your approach to increase your chances of winning. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, understanding how to keep score is an essential part of candlepin bowling.

By sticking to the basics and utilizing the tips mentioned in this article, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of keeping score in candlepin bowling. So grab some friends, hit the lanes, and have some fun!

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