How to Resurface a Bowling Ball without a Spinner: Tips and Guide

Resurfacing a bowling ball is an essential part of maintaining its performance and longevity. However, not everyone has access to a spinner machine for resurfacing. The good news is that resurfacing a bowling ball without a spinner can still be done effectively, albeit with a bit more effort.

One option for resurfacing a bowling ball without a spinner is by using hand-held sandpaper. This method involves manually sanding the surface of the ball using progressively finer grits of sandpaper until the desired finish is achieved. It is important to maintain a consistent pressure and motion while sanding to ensure an even surface and avoid altering the ball’s shape or weight.

Another method for resurfacing a bowling ball without a spinner is by using a ball resurfacing kit. These kits typically include sanding pads or discs of varying grits, along with a polishing compound, and can be used with a hand-held drill or electric buffer. Like with the hand-held sandpaper method, it is important to maintain a consistent motion and pressure while resurfacing to avoid any damage to the ball.

Preparing the Bowling Ball Surface

Before starting the resurfacing process of your bowling ball, it’s essential to prepare its surface thoroughly. A thorough cleaning process is necessary to remove all dirt and oil, which typically accumulate over time on the ball’s surface. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Begin by cleaning the ball using an approved bowling ball cleaner. Ensure that you cover the entire ball with the cleaner, including the holes. Leave the cleaner sitting on the ball for a few minutes.
  2. Next, using a clean towel or rag, wipe the ball’s surface to remove any dirt or oil that has been lifted by the cleaner. Be sure to wipe out the holes too.
  3. Repeat the cleaning process several times until the ball is entirely clean and free of dirt. This step is essential because if there is still dirt or oil left on the surface, it can affect the effectiveness of the resurfacing process.
  4. Once the ball is entirely clean and dry, take a piece of 800 grit sandpaper and lightly sand the surface of the ball. The sandpaper will help to roughen up the surface of the ball and make it receptive to the resurfacing compound.
  5. After sanding, wipe the ball down with a clean towel or rag to remove any leftover material. Ensure that you remove any grit left from the sanding process.
  6. Lastly, using an approved bowling ball polish, apply a thin layer to the ball’s surface. This process will help to smooth out any imperfections on the surface and prepare it for the resurfacing process.

By following these steps, you will have a clean and well-prepared surface for the resurfacing process. Remember that each step is crucial and must be completed correctly for the best results.

Using Sandpaper to Resurface the Bowling Ball

One of the simplest and most affordable ways to resurface a bowling ball is by using sandpaper. You can easily find sandpaper at a hardware store, and it comes in various grits ranging from coarse to fine. Sandpaper with a coarser grit is best suited for addressing deep scratches and nicks, while finer grit should be used for removing minor scuff marks and bringing back the ball’s shine.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to resurface a bowling ball using sandpaper:

  1. Start by cleaning the ball thoroughly with soapy water and a soft-bristled brush. Dry it carefully with a clean cloth and make sure there is no dirt or debris left on it.
  2. Choose the right grit of sandpaper for the job. For example, if your ball has deep scratches or nicks, you might want to start with a 120 grit sandpaper, while a 320 grit sandpaper is suitable for removing minor scuffs and scratches.
  3. Wrap the sandpaper around a rounded sponge or foam pad to prevent flat spots from forming on the ball.
  4. Hold the ball in one hand and the sandpaper in the other. Move the sandpaper around the ball in small circles, applying moderate pressure. Make sure you cover the entire surface of the ball, rotating it between each sanding session to avoid creating flat spots or uneven patches.
  5. Check the ball regularly to see if you have achieved the desired level of surface roughness. You can do this by running your fingers over the ball to feel for any remaining scuffs or bumps.
  6. Repeat the process with finer grits of sandpaper until you have achieved the desired level of smoothness.

Using sandpaper to resurface a bowling ball can be a time-consuming process, but it is an effective and low-cost option to restore the ball’s surface. With the right technique and patience, you can achieve great results without needing a special resurfacing tool or spinner.

Using Polishing Compound to Buff the Ball

If you don’t have access to a spinner, there’s still hope for restoring your bowling ball’s surface. Using a polishing compound is a reliable and easy-to-use method for buffing out minor scratches and restoring the ball’s shine.

To start, you’ll need a clean rag, a bottle of polish, and a little bit of elbow grease. It’s essential to make sure your bowling ball is perfectly clean and free of any debris or dirt. This prevents the polishing compound from spreading any harmful contaminants across the ball’s surface.

Next, open the polish bottle and apply a small amount of the compound to the rag. Don’t use too much – it’s easier to add more than to wipe excess off. Next, begin polishing the ball in small circles, pressing down firmly with the rag. Move the rag in slow, deliberate strokes, working out any remaining scuffs or rough patches across the ball’s surface. Pay special attention to any scuffs or marks that might hinder your bowling experience.

After you’ve covered the ball’s surface, take a look at it and assess the results. If there are any scratches that still remain, add more polish to the rag and work it into the ball’s surface once more until those blemishes have been eliminated.

It’s important to note that using a polishing compound doesn’t necessarily replace the need for a spinner. If you have deep scratches or gouges in your ball, polishing it manually may not be enough. However, using this technique regularly in conjunction with professional resurfacing ensures your ball will always look and feel its best.

In summary, we reviewed how to use polishing compound as an alternative method when resurfacing a bowling ball and restoring it to its former glory. Make sure to remember to clean the ball thoroughly before applying polish, use a small amount of compound, and work out scuffs and scratches in slow, precise circles, assessing the ball’s condition before continuing and reapplying the polish if necessary. While this method has its limitations, it is an effective solution for maintaining and improving the resilience of your bowling ball’s surface.

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Applying Bowling Ball Rejuvenator

When it comes to resurfacing your bowling ball without a spinner, using a rejuvenator is an effective method that’s worth considering. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Start by cleaning your bowling ball with a bowling ball cleaner and a microfiber towel.
  2. Once your ball is clean, apply the rejuvenator by spraying it evenly across the surface of the ball.
  3. Use a clean microfiber towel to spread the rejuvenator around the ball, making sure to cover the entire surface and pay extra attention to any scratches or scuff marks.
  4. Let the ball sit for at least five minutes to allow the rejuvenator to do its job.
  5. After five minutes, use a clean towel to wipe off any excess rejuvenator that hasn’t been absorbed by the ball.

It’s important to note that not all rejuvenators are created equal, so be sure to do your research and choose one that’s right for your ball. Some products are designed specifically for certain types of bowling balls, so make sure you check the manufacturer’s recommendations before making your purchase.

In addition, it’s important to remember that rejuvenators are not a substitute for a full resurfacing using a professional spinner. However, they can be an effective way to extend the life of your ball and keep it performing at its best between professional maintenance sessions.

Overall, using a bowling ball rejuvenator can be an easy and effective way to resurface your ball at home. Just make sure to follow the guidelines carefully and choose a high-quality product that’s appropriate for your ball’s needs.

Alternative Methods for Resurfacing a Bowling Ball

While resurfacing a bowling ball with a spinner is the most effective and efficient way to restore its original surface, there are still alternative methods to consider. These alternative methods may not produce the same level of refurbishment, but they are still practical and can help extend the life of a bowling ball.

Hand Sanding

Hand sanding a bowling ball involves using sandpaper to even out any scratches or dents on the surface of the ball. This method is a cost-effective way to get rid of minor abrasion and to reinstate mild grittiness in the cover stock.

To use this method, first, make sure you use sandpaper with the right amount of grit – typically around 2,000 or 3,000 grit. Start by placing the ball in a stable position on a towel or cushion. Then, use the sandpaper in a circular motion, evenly pressing throughout the surface. Be mindful of exerting too much pressure in one area to avoid uneven scratches. Once you have sanded the entire surface, wipe the ball clean with a tack cloth to remove any dust particles.

Ball Rejuvenator

Ball rejuvenators are devices specifically made to revitalize bowling balls that have lost their grip due to long-term wear and tear. These machines are usually found in bowling alleys and pro shops.

The ball rejuvenation process involves applying high heat and pressure to the ball, which opens up the pores of the cover stock, dislodging dirt and grime, and refreshing the surface. While this method is convenient, it may not produce the results that a spinner can deliver. Moreover, it may also expose the ball to high heat, which can cause the ball’s cores to shift or even melt, resulting in a damaged ball.

Professional Resurfacing Service

When all else fails, the best thing to do is to seek help from a professional resurfacing service. These services offer an in-depth refurbishment process that includes sanding, polishing, and reconditioning the surface of the ball.

Though this method can be relatively expensive, it is still worth it as these services use specialized equipment not commonly found in bowling alleys or pro shops. They can also identify if there are any cracks or other major issues with the ball that you may not have noticed before.

Overall, while the above alternative methods are useful, they still cannot replace the efficiency and effectiveness of resurfacing a bowling ball with a spinner. It is still recommended to use a spinner when possible and only resort to alternative methods when circumstances call for it.

Using a Bowling Ball Spinner for Maximum Efficiency

When it comes to resurfacing a bowling ball, using a spinner is the most efficient and effective method. A spinner is a machine that spins the bowling ball at a high speed while simultaneously applying abrasive pads to the surface, removing any dirt, oil, or debris from the ball’s pores.

The benefits of using a bowling ball spinner are numerous. First and foremost, it is much faster than resurfacing a ball by hand. Using a spinner can reduce the resurfacing time by more than half, allowing bowlers to spend more time working on their game.

In addition to being faster, a spinner provides a much more consistent surface than manual resurfacing. This means that there is less variation in the ball’s reaction on the lane, resulting in more predictable shots and better performance overall.

For those who are serious about their bowling game, investing in a bowling ball spinner is well worth the cost. It allows bowlers to maintain their equipment in top condition without spending hours doing it themselves, and ensures that they are always ready for their next game.

Of course, not everyone has access to a bowling ball spinner. If you don’t have access to one, there are other options available, such as hand sanding or using a resurfacing kit. However, keep in mind that these methods are often less effective and can take much longer.

Overall, using a bowling ball spinner is the best choice for anyone who wants to maintain their equipment and improve their performance on the lanes. Whether you are a casual bowler or a seasoned pro, a spinner is an investment that will pay off in the long run.

Maintenance and Care Tips for Resurfaced Bowling Balls

After resurfacing your bowling ball without a spinner, it’s essential to maintain its surface to keep it at its peak performance. Here are a few tips to help you care for your resurfaced bowling ball:

  1. Clean it regularly: Keep your bowling ball clean by wiping it with a microfiber towel after each game. This prevents dirt and oil build-up, which can decrease the ball’s hook potential.
  2. Use approved cleaners: Not all cleaners are suitable for bowling ball surfaces, and some can cause damage. Use an approved cleaner or alcohol-based solution to ensure your ball stays in good condition.
  3. Store it correctly: Avoid leaving your bowling ball in extreme temperatures or direct sunlight. Instead, store it in a cool, dry place. A bowling ball bag is an ideal storage option as it protects your ball from damage during transport.
  4. Avoid dropping it: Dropping your bowling ball can cause cracks or chips on the surface, affecting its performance. So, be careful when handling it.
  5. Polish it sparingly: Polishing your bowling ball occasionally can help restore its shine. However, frequent polishing can cause the surface to become too smooth, reducing its hook potential.

By following these maintenance and care tips, you can keep your resurfaced bowling ball in excellent condition and extend its lifespan. Remember to check your ball’s surface regularly and have it resurfaced again when it starts to show signs of wear and tear.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Resurfacing a Bowling Ball

Resurfacing a bowling ball without a spinner can be a tricky process, especially for beginners. To help avoid common mistakes, here are some tips to follow:

1. Using the Wrong Grit Sandpaper

Using the wrong grit sandpaper when resurfacing a bowling ball can lead to unwanted results. Using a grit that is too coarse or too fine can cause unevenness or damage to the surface of the ball. It’s important to use the recommended grit sandpaper for the specific bowling ball you are resurfacing.

2. Applying Too Much Pressure

Applying too much pressure when resurfacing a bowling ball can also lead to unevenness or damage to the surface of the ball. It’s important to apply consistent and even pressure when sanding the ball, and to avoid adding additional pressure to areas that require more sanding.

3. Not Rotating the Ball

Failing to rotate the bowling ball while resurfacing can result in unevenness and damage to the surface. It’s important to rotate the ball throughout the resurfacing process to ensure that all areas of the surface are sanded evenly.

4. Rushing the Process

Rushing the resurfacing process can also lead to unwanted results. It’s important to take your time and work carefully when resurfacing a bowling ball. This will help ensure that the surface is sanded evenly and that no areas are missed.

5. Not Cleaning the Ball

Failing to clean the bowling ball before and after resurfacing it can lead to unwanted results. It’s important to thoroughly clean the ball with a bowling ball cleaner before resurfacing it, and to clean it again after the resurfacing is complete. This will help ensure that the surface is as smooth and even as possible.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can help ensure that your resurfaced bowling ball is smooth, even, and ready for use on the lanes.

When to Resurface Your Bowling Ball

As a bowler, it is important to know when to resurface your bowling ball. Resurfacing your bowling ball simply means sanding or polishing the ball’s surface to restore its original texture. This is crucial because a ball’s surface texture can affect its performance on the lane. Over time, the surface of a bowling ball can become worn out, impacting its hook potential, ball reaction, and overall performance.

Here are a few signs that can indicate if you need to resurface your bowling ball:

  • Visible scratches or marks on the ball’s surface: Scuffs and scratches on the surface of your ball can affect its overall performance. These anomalies can cause the ball to roll earlier or later than you intended, affecting the accuracy of your shots.
  • Reduced hook potential: Over time, the surface of your ball can wear down, reducing its hook potential. If your ball starts hooking less or sliding too much, it might be time to resurface it.
  • Loss of ball reaction: If you notice your ball isn’t reacting as it used to or if it feels like it’s rolling inconsistently, it might be time to resurface it. You could lose ball reaction due to the surface becoming smooth, worn out, or dirty.
  • Change in lane conditions: Bowling on lanes with different oil patterns can cause the surface of your ball to pick up dirt and debris. This can affect the ball’s surface and its ability to hook properly, reducing your ability to perform consistently.

It is essential to note that the frequency of resurfacing your bowling ball should depend on multiple factors such as its use, age, and frequency of play. If you use your bowling ball regularly, you might need to resurface it more often to maintain its performance.

In conclusion, knowing when to resurface your bowling ball can be critical to your overall performance on the lane. Scratches, reduced hook potential, loss of ball reaction, and change in lane conditions are some of the signs you should look for to determine if you need to resurface your ball. Remember, resurfacing should be done regularly to maintain your ball’s traction and ensure that it performs as expected.


In conclusion, resurfacing a bowling ball without a spinner can be a challenging process, but it is possible with the right techniques and tools. Whether you choose to use sandpaper or a ball resurfacing kit, it’s important to approach the task with patience and precision.

Here are some key takeaways to keep in mind:

  • Sanding by hand can effectively remove minor scratches and scuff marks on the surface of your bowling ball.
  • For deeper scratches and damage, a ball resurfacing kit may be necessary to restore your ball’s optimal surface texture and consistency.
  • Make sure to clean your ball thoroughly before and after resurfacing, as any debris or oil left on the ball can affect its performance.
  • Don’t forget to check your ball’s manufacturer guidelines and specifications before attempting to resurface it, as improper techniques or tools can cause irreversible damage.

With these tips and a bit of practice, you’ll be able to keep your bowling ball in top shape and enjoy a smooth, controlled roll on the lanes. Happy bowling!

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