Bowling Score Calculator

Ball Score Values

Total Score
Max Possible

How Do You Calculate Bowling Scores?

Bowling score is calculated based on the number of pins knocked down in each frame of a game. A standard bowling game consists of ten frames, and the objective is to knock down as many pins as possible in each frame.

Here are the basic steps to calculate bowling score:

  1. For each frame, count the number of pins knocked down. If all ten pins are knocked down in one throw (a “strike”), mark the frame as complete and move on to the next frame. If all ten pins are knocked down in two throws (a “spare”), mark the frame as complete and move on to the next frame.
  2. If the player does not achieve a strike or spare in a frame, record the total number of pins knocked down in that frame. For example, if the player knocks down 7 pins on the first throw and 2 on the second throw, the total for that frame is 9.
  3. In the 10th frame, the player may be allowed to roll one or two additional balls, depending on whether a strike or spare is scored on the first two rolls. If a player scores a strike in the 10th frame, they get two additional rolls. If they score a spare, they get one additional roll.
  4. Add up the total number of pins knocked down in each frame, including any bonus points earned from strikes and spares.
  5. If the player gets a strike, the next two rolls are added to the score for that frame. If the player gets a spare, the next roll is added to the score for that frame.
  6. The maximum score that can be achieved in a single game is 300 (12 strikes in a row).

Here’s an example of a completed scoresheet:

Frame 1Frame 2Frame 3Frame 4Frame 5Frame 6Frame 7Frame 8Frame 9Frame 10
Example of a completed bowling scoresheet

In this example, the player scored a strike in the first, third, seventh, and ninth frames, and a spare in the second, fifth, and ninth frames. The player’s total score is 137.