Duckpin vs Candlepin vs Ten Pin Bowling: A Guide to Bowling Variations

Bowling is a popular pastime enjoyed by millions around the world. But did you know that there are several variations of the game?

Duckpin, candlepin, and tenpin bowling are three different types of bowling with their own unique rules and quirks.

Duckpin bowling originated in the United States and is particularly popular in the northeast region.

The pins used in duckpin bowling are shorter and squatter than in other types of bowling, and the balls are smaller and lighter. Due to their size and weight, the balls do not have holes, making it challenging for bowlers to get a good grip. In duckpin bowling, a perfect game is scored at 300 points, and the highest recorded score is 279.

Candlepin bowling is another variation that originated in the United States and is most popular in the New England area.

Unlike tenpin or duckpin bowling, the pins in candlepin bowling are cylindrical in shape and only 15 inches tall. Similar to duckpin bowling, the balls used in candlepin bowling are small and do not have finger holes. Players get three rolls per frame instead of two, and a perfect game is scored at 300 points. However, there has never been a recorded perfect game in professional candlepin bowling history.

Tenpin bowling is the most common form of bowling worldwide and is often what people think of when they hear the word “bowling.”

In this variation, the pins are the tallest and heaviest of the three types, and the balls have finger holes to provide better grip and control. Tenpin bowling is played in frames, with players getting two attempts to knock all the pins down per frame. A perfect game in tenpin bowling is scored at 300 points, and there have been over 30 recorded perfect games in professional competition.

Duckpin Bowling: What is it?

Duckpin bowling is a variation of ten pin bowling that is popular in the eastern portion of the United States. It is similar to traditional bowling in many ways, but with a few key differences that set it apart. Here is everything you need to know about duckpin bowling:

Alley and Pins

Duckpin bowling is played on a specially designed alley that is considerably shorter than a traditional bowling alley. The lanes are 60 feet long and 5 feet wide, making them about half the length of a standard bowling lane. The pins are also much smaller than in traditional bowling, standing only 9 3/8 inches tall and 4 7/8 inches wide. They are arranged in a triangle at the end of the lane, with the headpin located in the center of the formation.


In duckpin bowling, players use small balls that are just 4 3/4 inches in diameter and weigh only 3-4 pounds. The balls do not have finger holes, making them easier to grasp in one hand. This allows for a different throwing technique that is necessary to play the game effectively.


The scoring in duckpin bowling is also slightly different than in traditional bowling. Each player gets three rolls per frame, as opposed to the two rolls in traditional bowling. Additionally, knocking down all ten pins in one frame does not result in an automatic strike – instead, the player must hit all ten pins on their next roll to get a spare.


Due to the smaller pins and balls, duckpin bowling requires a different strategy than traditional bowling. Because the pins are smaller and lighter, it is more difficult to knock them down. Therefore, strategy and accuracy play a bigger role in the game. Players must aim carefully and throw the ball with enough power to knock down the pins, but not so much that it goes out of bounds or into the gutter.

In conclusion, duckpin bowling is a unique variation of ten pin bowling that is popular in the eastern United States. It is played on a shorter lane with smaller balls and pins, and requires a different strategy and throwing technique. While it may be challenging, duckpin bowling is a fun and exciting way to enjoy the sport of bowling.

Candlepin Bowling: What is it?

Candlepin Bowling is a type of bowling that is unique to the New England region of the United States and is played with a set of skinny pins and a smaller ball. Unlike ten pin bowling, in which the ball has finger holes and the pins are wide and heavy, Candlepin Bowling pins are thin and cylindrical without holes, and the ball is about the size of a softball and has no finger holes.

In Candlepin Bowling, players have three rolls per turn to knock down as many pins as possible, with the total number of pins knocked down on each turn tallied as the player’s score. Similar to ten pin bowling, the maximum score that can be achieved in any given frame is ten, but in Candlepin Bowling, it is exceedingly rare to score a perfect game.

Candlepin Bowling is a challenging and fun game that requires skill, precision, and patience. Because the ball is smaller and the pins are skinnier, it is more difficult to knock them all down in one shot. This makes Candlepin Bowling a great game for players of all skill levels, as beginners can enjoy the game without feeling overwhelmed and advanced players can hone their skills and try to achieve a higher score.

Overall, Candlepin Bowling is a beloved tradition in many parts of the United States, particularly in New England, where it has been played for over a century. It offers a unique and refreshing alternative to ten pin bowling that is fun for all ages and skill levels.

Ten Pin Bowling: What is it?

Ten-pin bowling is one of the most popular forms of bowling played around the world. In this game, the player has to roll a heavy ball down a lane and try to knock down ten pins arranged in a triangle. The pins are 15 inches tall, and the ball weighs approximately 16 pounds.

The rules of ten-pin bowling are relatively simple. The player gets two attempts to knock down all ten pins in each frame. If they succeed in knocking down all the pins on the first try, it’s called a strike. If they need two tries to knock down all the pins, it’s called a spare. The player gets to complete ten frames, and the score is calculated based on how many pins they knock down.

The origins of ten-pin bowling can be traced back to the 1800s, where it was played on wooden lanes with nine pins. Over time, the game evolved with the addition of the tenth pin, automated pinsetters and synthetic lanes. In today’s world, ten-pin bowling is played in various settings, including professional tournaments, recreational centers, and social events.

Here are some key facts about ten-pin bowling:

  • Ten-pin bowling is the most popular form of bowling worldwide, with more than 70 million players in over 100 countries.
  • The Professional Bowlers Association (PBA) is the major governing body for professional ten-pin bowling.
  • An average game for a professional bowler consists of 12 strikes and eight spares, leading to a score of around 300 points.
  • The highest recorded score in a single game of ten-pin bowling is 300 points, achieved by 26 different male bowlers and four female bowlers.
  • The American Bowling Congress, founded in 1895, was the first organization to set rules and oversee the sport of ten-pin bowling.

Overall, ten-pin bowling is a popular sport that combines skill, strategy, and fun. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced bowler, the game offers endless hours of entertainment.

Differences between Duckpin, Candlepin, and Ten Pin Bowling

Bowling is a leisure activity enjoyed by people worldwide. However, different regions have created diverse forms of bowling, leading to variations such as Duckpin, Candlepin, and Ten Pin Bowling. While these games are all closely related and share similarities, several differences distinguish them from each other.

Pin Size

The size of the pins in each game is one of the most significant differences. In Ten Pin Bowling, the pins are approximately 15 inches high and five inches wide, while in Candlepin Bowling, the pins are only 15 inches high, but only one inch in diameter. For Duckpin Bowling, the pins are the smallest, measuring approximately nine inches high, but four and three-quarters inches wide.

Ball Size and Weight

The size and weight of the ball used in bowling also vary among the sports. In Ten Pin Bowling, the ball used has a maximum weight of 16 pounds, but six-pound balls are also available. For Candlepin Bowling, players use a maximum ball of two pounds, six ounces, and a minimum weight of two pounds, four ounces. In Duckpin Bowling, players use the smallest ball, with a maximum weight of three pounds, six ounces.

Number of Pins and Rolls

The number of pins used for each game varies, with Candlepin Bowling using ten pins, Ten Pin Bowling using ten pins, and Duckpin Bowling using ten smaller pins. Similarly, the number of rolls for each game also differs, with Ten Pin Bowling using two rolls per turn, whereas Candlepin Bowling gives players three rolls per turn. Finally, Duckpin Bowling provides players with three rolls for each turn.


The scoring system varies significantly between Duckpin, Candlepin, and Ten Pin Bowling. In Ten Pin Bowling, strikes receive ten points plus the value of the next two rolls, while in Candlepin Bowling, strikes receive a score of 30. Similarly, in Duckpin Bowling, strikes receive a score of ten plus the value of the next two rolls. Spares also receive different scores in each game.

In summary, while Duckpin, Candlepin, and Ten Pin Bowling may seem similar, considerable differences exist that set them apart. These differences include pin size, ball size and weight, the number of pins and rolls used, and the unique scoring systems.
When it comes to choosing between duckpin, candlepin, and ten pin bowling, it largely depends on personal preference and the kind of experience you’re looking for. Here are a few factors to consider to help you make your decision:

  1. Location: Where are you located? Certain types of bowling may be more popular in specific regions and may be more readily available. Check with local bowling alleys to see which types of bowling they offer.
  2. Skill level: What’s your skill level? If you’re a beginner, you may find duckpin bowling to be more approachable due to its lighter ball weight and shorter pins. Ten pin bowling, on the other hand, features heavier balls and taller pins, making it more challenging.
  3. Atmosphere: What kind of atmosphere are you looking for? If you’re after a retro, nostalgic vibe, candlepin bowling alleys often have a classic feel and throwback scoring systems. Ten pin bowling alleys, on the other hand, may have a more modern feel with state-of-the-art scoring systems and a livelier ambiance.
  4. Cost: What’s your budget? Depending on where you go, different types of bowling may come with different price tags. Keep this in mind when making your decision.

Ultimately, the choice between duckpin, candlepin, and ten pin bowling comes down to personal preference. If you’re not sure which you’d enjoy, try each one out to get a sense of which type of bowling is the best fit for you.


To summarize, each type of bowling has its own unique set of challenges and quirks that make it an enjoyable activity for all ages. While ten-pin bowling is the most popular and widely played type of bowling, duckpin and candlepin offer their own unique twists and turns that can add extra excitement to your bowling experience.

Duckpin bowling offers smaller balls and pins than ten-pin, which makes it more challenging to achieve a strike. The ball’s size and weight take some getting used to, but once you master it, you can enjoy the game’s fast-paced nature and strategy.

Candlepin bowling is another alternative to traditional ten-pin bowling. The pins are tall and thin, and smaller balls are used, which affect the scoring and requires more precision. This type of bowling is popular in New England but is lesser-known in other parts of the United States.

Ten-pin bowling, however, remains the most popular variation of bowling. With its large balls and pins, it allows players to focus on more power and accuracy when rolling the ball. It offers a social and fun atmosphere for groups of all ages, making it an excellent activity for families, friends, and colleagues.

In conclusion, there is no right or wrong way to enjoy bowling; it all depends on your skill level and personal preference. However, trying out new variations of the sport can add a new level of excitement and fun to your bowling outings. So, gather your friends and family and head to your nearest bowling alley to experience the joys of duckpin, candlepin, and ten-pin bowling for yourself.

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