How to Stop Squeezing the Bowling Ball: A Step-by-Step Guide

Squeezing the bowling ball is a common mistake among bowlers, and it can greatly affect your performance on the lanes.

In this article, we will go over the causes of squeezing the ball and provide a step-by-step guide on how to stop doing it.

What Causes Squeezing the Bowling Ball?

Squeezing the bowling ball is typically caused by a lack of confidence in one’s bowling abilities. When a bowler is unsure of their shot, they may grip the ball too tightly, which results in squeezing it. Additionally, bowlers who are new to the sport may not have developed proper form yet, which can also lead to squeezing the ball.

The Consequences of Squeezing the Bowling Ball

Squeezing the bowling ball can have a negative impact on a bowler’s game.

The most obvious consequence is decreased accuracy and power. When the ball is squeezed, it can cause the bowler to have less control over the ball’s trajectory, resulting in a less accurate throw. Additionally, squeezing the ball can also decrease the power of the throw, as the bowler is not able to generate as much force behind the ball.

Another consequence of squeezing the bowling ball is decreased consistency. When the bowler is squeezing the ball, they may have trouble repeating their throwing motion, resulting in inconsistent throws. This can make it difficult for the bowler to improve their game and achieve consistent results.

How to Stop Squeezing the Bowling Ball A Step-by-Step Guide

Techniques to Stop Squeezing the Bowling Ball

  1. Relax your grip: One of the most effective ways to stop squeezing the bowling ball is to relax your grip. When you’re holding the ball, make sure your fingers are loose and not clenched around the ball. Instead of gripping the ball tightly, try to hold it lightly and gently.
  2. Practice visualization: Visualization is a powerful tool that can help you overcome the tendency to squeeze the ball. Close your eyes and imagine yourself holding the ball in a relaxed and comfortable manner. Visualize yourself making a smooth and relaxed throw, and imagine the ball rolling down the lane effortlessly.
  3. Use a lighter ball: If you find that you are struggling to control a heavy ball, try using a lighter ball. A lighter ball will be easier to control and will help you develop better technique and accuracy.
  4. Focus on your form: To stop squeezing the bowling ball, it’s essential to focus on your form. Make sure your throwing arm is relaxed and that your fingers are positioned correctly on the ball. Pay attention to your posture and make sure you’re not tensing up as you throw.
  5. Get feedback: Getting feedback on your bowling technique can be incredibly helpful when trying to stop squeezing the bowling ball. Consider working with a coach or a more experienced bowler who can help you identify and correct any issues with your form.

How To Handle the Bowling Ball?

To handle a bowling ball properly, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the appropriate ball weight: The weight of the ball should be comfortable for you to hold and throw with control.
  2. Position your fingers correctly: Place your fingers in the holes of the ball, using the “fingertip” grip where the tips of your fingers rest on top of the ball.
  3. Stand correctly: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, facing the direction you will be throwing the ball.
  4. Begin your approach: Take a few steps towards the lane, then lift the ball with both hands to your side.
  5. Swing the ball backwards: Bring the ball backwards, keeping your arm close to your body.
  6. Step forward and release: Step forward with your opposite foot as you release the ball, aiming for the target at the end of the lane.
  7. Follow through: Allow your arm to continue moving forward after releasing the ball for a smooth follow-through.

Remember to practice proper form and technique in order to improve your bowling skills.


Squeezing the bowling ball is a common problem that can have a negative impact on your bowling game.

By understanding the causes of squeezing the ball, utilizing techniques to relax your grip, and focusing on your form, you can stop squeezing the bowling ball and improve your game.

Remember to take it one step at a time and practice regularly, and you’ll be able to overcome this issue and achieve the consistent results you want.

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