How to Throw a Bowling Ball – 6 Steps to Master Your Game

Bowling is a sport that requires precision, focus, and proper form.

One of the most critical aspects of this sport is the way you throw the ball. The right technique can make all the difference between striking out or hitting a perfect game.

In this guide, we will go over the step-by-step process of how to throw a bowling ball correctly.

But before we jump into the guide, let’s start with some quick common questions every beginner ask!

How to Throw a Bowling Ball

What Is the Proper Grip for Throwing a Bowling Ball?

The proper grip for throwing a bowling ball involves placing your fingers into the finger holes, with your thumb placed in the thumbhole.

The placement and pressure of your fingers should allow for control of the ball and comfort for your hand. Some bowlers choose to use a fingertip grip, while others prefer to use a conventional grip. Experimentation and practice can help you determine the best grip for you.

How Do I Increase My Ball Speed and Control While Throwing?

To increase ball speed, it’s important to have a smooth and consistent approach to the foul line.

Building strength and power in your legs, back, and arm can also help increase speed. To improve control, focus on proper form and grip, as well as keeping your arm and wrist relaxed throughout your throw. Practicing regularly can help you develop a consistent, controlled motion.

How Do I Choose the Right Weight of Ball for My Personal Style?

The right weight of ball for you depends on your physical strength and throwing style.

Generally, it is recommended to start with a lighter ball (12-14 pounds) for beginners, and work up to a heavier ball as you become more comfortable and confident in your throws. A general rule of thumb is to choose a ball that you can throw with control for multiple consecutive frames without fatigue.

What Is the 3 6 9 Rule in Bowling?

The 3-6-9 rule in bowling refers to the concept that the optimal location for a strike in bowling is at the 3-6-9 pins, meaning that the ball should strike the headpin (1 pin) and then travel between the 3 and 9 pins to maximize the chances of hitting all ten pins.

This is based on the idea that hitting the 1 pin directly in the center will result in the most efficient energy transfer to knock down the other pins. However, this rule is only a general guideline, and bowlers may adjust their aim depending on the conditions of the lane, oil patterns, and their own personal preferences and styles.

How to Throw a Bowling Ball In 6 Steps


Before you begin, you must have the right equipment. This includes a bowling ball, shoes, and gloves. Make sure that the ball you choose is the correct weight and size for you. The ball should feel comfortable in your hand and should not be too heavy to throw. The shoes should fit well and provide support while you bowl. Gloves can help improve your grip on the ball and are especially helpful for those who have sweaty hands.


Once you have your equipment, it’s time to get into the right stance. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, facing the lane. Place your non-dominant foot a little closer to the lane, and your dominant foot a little further away. This will give you a sturdy base and help you maintain your balance while you throw the ball.


The approach is the walk you take before releasing the ball. Start by taking a couple of steps towards the foul line, then lift your non-dominant foot and take one large step with your dominant foot. This step should be taken in a straight line and should bring you close to the foul line. As you take this step, your arm should be pulled back, and your hand should be at your hip.


The delivery is the most crucial part of the throwing process. As you reach the foul line, extend your arm forward, and release the ball. Your arm should be straight, and your hand should be facing downward. The ball should leave your hand in a smooth, natural motion. Try to keep your arm relaxed and your wrist firm as you release the ball.


After you have released the ball, continue to follow through with your arm. Your arm should continue to move forward in a straight line and should end up pointing in the direction you want the ball to go. Your wrist should remain firm and should not snap or flop around. This follow-through will help you maintain control and accuracy when you throw the ball.


Throwing a bowling ball correctly takes practice. Start by working on your stance and approach, and then move on to the delivery and follow-through. Try to focus on one aspect of the throw at a time and practice it until you have it mastered. Over time, you will be able to put all the pieces together, and your throws will become more accurate and powerful.

Tips for Improving Your Throw

  • Use a ball that is the right weight and size for you
  • Keep your wrist firm as you release the ball
  • Follow through with your arm in a straight line
  • Practice, practice, practice!

In conclusion, throwing a bowling ball correctly is a combination of proper equipment, stance, approach, delivery, follow-through, and practice.

By following these steps, you will be able to improve your game and become a better bowler. Good luck and have fun!

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