What Does an F Mean in Bowling?

In the sport of bowling, an “F” stands for a foul. This indicates that the bowler committed a foul on that delivery and is assessed a penalty. A foul in bowling refers to any infraction of the rules that occurs while the bowler is attempting to knock down the pins. There are a few different ways a bowler can commit a foul. Understanding what constitutes a foul and being careful to avoid them is key to achieving high scores in bowling.

What Constitutes a Foul in Bowling?

There are three main ways a bowler can commit a foul in the sport of bowling:

Crossing the Foul Line

The most common foul is crossing or touching the foul line during a delivery. The foul line is the black line on the lane that separates the approach area from the lane itself. As the bowler releases the ball during a shot, the bowler’s foot must not cross or touch the foul line. If it does, it is considered a foul. This foul line is in place to ensure that bowlers do not have an unfair advantage by getting too close to the pins before releasing the ball.

Illegal Pinfall

Another type of foul is when there is illegal pinfall. This occurs when pins are knocked down illegally before the bowler’s turn is complete. Some examples are if a pin rebounds off a side partition and knocks down another pin, or if a pin is accidentally moved or knocked over by a human before the bowler’s full turn is complete. Any pins knocked down illegally in this manner count as a foul.

Exceeding the Shot Clock Limit

When playing in a competitive or tournament setting, bowlers are given a set shot clock time limit to complete each turn. If a bowler exceeds this time limit before rolling the ball, this is counted as a foul. The shot clock time limit varies but is usually around 30 seconds. This rule keeps the game moving at a steady pace.

What Happens When You Get an F in Bowling?

When a bowler commits a foul in bowling, it comes with penalties:

  • The frame where the foul occurred is scored as zero points for that delivery. So the bowler does not get credit for knocking down any pins during that turn.
  • If it is the first delivery of a frame, the bowler must re-rack the pins and re-bowl that frame after the foul.
  • Repeated fouls or unsportsmanlike conduct may result in disqualification from the game in tournament or league play.

So it is critical for bowlers to be mindful of their footwork and observe all rules carefully to avoid fouls. A small misstep over the foul line can ruin a potentially high scoring frame.

How to Avoid Getting an F in Bowling

While fouls may occasionally happen accidentally, there are some techniques bowlers can use to help minimize fouls:

Mind the Foul Line

  • Give yourself margin for error in your approach. Aim your feet to land 6 inches or more behind the foul line when releasing the ball.
  • Visualize the foul line in your pre-shot routine and focus on stopping your momentum before it.
  • If you tend to get close, aim your target line well past the foul line so you don’t need to swing wide.

Observe Legal Pinfall

  • Let pins fall where they may after your delivery and don’t attempt to catch or interfere with pins before your next turn.
  • Never manually reposition or spot pins that were moved between shots.

Keep Track of Time

  • Be aware of the shot clock time for your game and practice staying within the limit.
  • Have a consistent pre-shot routine so each delivery falls within the allotted time frame.

Other Bowling Scores and Symbols

In addition to the F for foul, there are some other bowling scores and symbols you may see on a scoresheet:

Strike (X): An “X” is marked when a bowler knocks down all 10 pins with the first roll. This is known as a strike.

Spare (/): A spare occurs when the bowler knocks down the remaining pins with the second roll. This is represented by a right-leaning slash “/”.

Miss/Open Frame (-): A dash “-” indicates a miss where no pins were knocked down, as seen after a gutter ball. This open frame means the bowler did not make a spare or strike.

Split (O): An “O” circled around a number signifies a split. This means after the first roll, some pins were left standing but split apart.

So while an F is definitely something to avoid, these other scores and marks track your successes in bowling!


Q: What happens after a foul in bowling?

A: After fouling, the pins are reset and the bowler gets to re-take that shot when it’s their turn again in the next frame. However, the do-over roll doesn’t count toward the previous frame where the foul occurred.

Q: Is a foul an automatic loss in bowling?

A: No, an occasional foul won’t result in a loss. However, repeated fouls or showing lack of effort could potentially lead to disqualification in some leagues. Most of the time, a foul just means losing points in that frame.

Q: How do you avoid fouls in bowling?

A: To avoid fouls, stay behind the foul line on release, wait for pins to settle before the next roll, leave resetting pins to the machine, and keep track of shot clock time limits if in a league with that rule. Focus and control can minimize fouls.

Q: What does an F mean on a bowling scoresheet?

A: An F on a bowling scoresheet indicates that the bowler committed a foul on that roll, so no pins knocked down on that roll count toward their score. It’s a zero for that shot.

Q: Can you get more than one F in a frame in bowling?

A: Yes, it’s possible to get more than one F in a single frame if you foul on both the first and second rolls of a frame. This would result in a score of zero for that frame.


Understanding bowling lingo like what an “F” stands for is key to being an informed bowler. Committing a foul can ruin a frame and result in zero points. The main fouls to avoid are crossing the foul line, illegal pinfall, and exceeding the shot clock limit. With care and concentration, bowlers can minimize fouls and maximize their scores. Knowing the rules and definitions for fouls, strikes, spares, and more allows you to fully grasp the bowling scoring system. So get out on the lanes and roll with care to avoid those fouls!

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